
How To Remove Permanent Marker From Walls And Floors

Robin lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. She has three children and loves to share her tips and tricks for staying organized.

Read on to learn how to remove permanent marker from walls, including sketch pens and sharpies.

Read on to learn how to remove permanent marker from walls, including sketch pens and sharpies.

How to Get Sharpie Off the Wall

Volition your wall ever be the same? Yep!

Our two-yr-onetime daughter decided to express her artistic side by drawing on our living room wall with a carmine Sharpie permanent marking pen. I originally thought that nosotros were going to accept to repaint the surface area, but nosotros were able to get the stain out due to the quick thinking and expertise of my male parent-in-law, George. Hither's how we did it and what you'll need.

Supplies You'll Demand

  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Washcloth
  • Bowl
  • Water
  • Sponge with an abrasive side
Red Sharpie that was used to write on our white walls.

Red Sharpie that was used to write on our white walls.

The rubbing alcohol we used to remove the red marker on our white wall.

The rubbing alcohol we used to remove the red mark on our white wall.

Step i: Test the Rubbing Alcohol

When cleaning a new surface, attempt a rubbing modest amount of the rubbing booze in an inconspicuous spot to ensure it will not damage the surface. Some paint will probably come off with the ink, so scrub with intendance.

Cleaning!  Here we go.

Cleaning! Here we go.

Pace 2: Scrub With Rubbing Alcohol

Cascade a good amount of rubbing booze on a washcloth and scrub the area. Our daughter used scarlet ink, so the wall was pinkish later on our start pass using the rubbing alcohol.

Sponge and rubbing alcohol in a Pyrex dish.

Sponge and rubbing booze in a Pyrex dish.

Step 3: Use a Sponge

Fill a basin with water and use the abrasive side of a sponge to scrub the remaining color off. You lot can cascade rubbing alcohol on the sponge to remove the final color.

After our first application.

Afterwards our first application.

Step four: Continue Repeating the Previous Steps

This was a first pass. The color actually stands out more in the photo, but we did do a few more than applications. By the cease, there was no evidence of any ruby Sharpie!

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Read More than From Dengarden

These are great cleaners, but they're not great for removing marker.

These are great cleaners, but they're not keen for removing marker.

Note on How to Remove Marking Stains From Wear

We tried Comet and OxiClean on the wall, only neither product did much good.

But if yous take a stain on clothing, OxiClean for Babies is a phenomenon worker. I have been able to go out almost anything with it.

I wet the stain and generously pour on the BabyOxi and let it sit for a few hours. For peculiarly difficult stains, I may need to wash off the powdered Oxy and keep reapplying. Information technology works fifty-fifty when the clothes have been done and dried with the stain.

three More Ways to Remove Permanent Marker

This article is accurate and truthful to the all-time of the writer's knowledge. Content is for advisory or entertainment purposes just and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

Practise y'all have any cleaning tricks up your sleeve?

Robin Edmondson (author) from San Francisco on Baronial 07, 2022:

Thanks, Lily! That is great communication. :)

Lily on August 06, 2022:

Outset open your windows. Secondly, Mix 3-4tbs baking pulverisation and roughly 1/2 cup boiling water in a glass or porcelain jug. The mixture should first to foam up imediatley. After that, dip a scourer or the crude part of a kitchen sponge into your blistering soda mixture and scrub walls with your elbow grease (scrub the role of the wall with permanent marker stains and scrub roughley with scourer) you might demand to wash the scourer a couple of times. After youve scrubbed the wall, dab scrubbed office of wall with bog roll then it dries a flake quicker.wait for wall to dry and and then the permanent mark stain should at least most exist gone. Repeat this process again if its not completely gone. In one case the wall has completely been dealt with,spray walls with deodrant or perfume or some sort of fragrancy spray every bit your room may be a bit pongy and aroma like salt and chemicals.Yous will now accept a very clean wall...

Saskia on May 16, 2022:

Y'all saved y wall!! Thanks

Donna Benoit on September 09, 2022:

Just used the alcohol and a green scrubby on a new piece of equipment that we labeled for ID, hither at work, then he decided he wants to render it. All clean and without a hint of marks or surface marring. Thanks to you lot all.

Pam on Baronial eighteen, 2022:

Toothpaste-just piece of work it in with a toothbrush-wipe with west wet cloth to remove residue until all clear. Works brilliantly

Hezekiah from Nippon on July 08, 2022:

Splendid guide there, a must for family with children. Nosotros bought a newly built house so are sensitive to marks etc.

Elmira on May 22, 2022:

Thank y'all for the article! I merely removed one month old paintings with 91% alcohol.

Christine on May 12, 2022:

Toothpaste was my saviour when my kids decided they would draw with pens n markers on their nan'southward walls, for an especially difficult mark leave the toothpaste on for a few minutes, give it a quick scrub n it'due south all gone.

Richard Parr from Commonwealth of australia on March 12, 2022:

Smashing stuff, always useful to know when budding creative person three year sometime gets her hands on the Sharpie.

Sam Hawkins from Georgia on March xi, 2022:

Thanks for this useful tip. My spouse and I have had to repaint our apartment because of our son'due south creative display on the walls.

Mickji from between Italian republic and Switzerland, travelling around the world thanks to a little special object on March 11, 2022:

I really needed this ! My house is all painted with something weird, I must discover a style to delete it before trying to pigment it else the walls tin can become mushy because of it and humidity. I actually thank you, I think that this tin be applied to it besides !

Nancy on February 28, 2022:

I usually remove that by acetone.

cass on February x, 2022:

Ive tried every cleaner and alcohol etc.....marker is yet there a flake faded but that'due south it :(

Totally disappointed non my firm or walls.

FullOfLoveSites from United States on December 27, 2022:

Thanks for this data from you lot and from other commenters... I learned a lot from you. My niece used crayons to draw on my dining room wall. I will utilise every possible solutions y'all offer. :)

Janis from California on December 26, 2022:

This is good to know nigh the OxyClean. Cheers for the suggestion.

Neil Cook from United States on December 26, 2022:

Incredible! I retrieve you lot just saved a lot of people time and coin on re-painting!

Shirley on Dec 26, 2022:

Hairspray gets it all off

Elizabeth Parker from Las Vegas, NV on July 01, 2022:

These are good tips to follow. I've tried Windex too and that has helped become some stains off of the wall. Thank you for posting! Voted up!

JerryP7 on March 05, 2022:

From time to time I accept to remove graffiti in a commercial building. Alcohol removed Sharpie marks. Once nearly of it's gone with that I utilise a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser (following directions - damp) to make clean upward what is left.

ATWITSEND on January 29, 2022:

what exercise you practise when child is excellent at hiding permanent marker and crayon drawings? My eight year sometime hid a rather big cartoon on chamber wall NOTHING works!! Not even paint it bleeds threw even when heavy primer used.

kristina shoultz on January 13, 2022:

thanks for the tips and i used booze and information technology took the pen and pant off the walls so make sure you have white walls for the booze tip lol

Michelle on Oct 09, 2022:

crazy just the sunscreen really worked! I couldn't believe it.

Chessna on September 12, 2022:

Thanks for the tip with alcohol. I will take to attempt that out.

For anyone trying to get permanent marker off of electronics here is a great darling 2 yr onetime daughter drew all over our dvd/stereo system with blackness permanent marker, I was out of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers, and the bulk of my go-to cleaning products. I had a bottle of Goo Be Gone in my cabinet and idea "Heck, I'll give it a try". It worked amazingly! I didn't accept to scrub, but only wiped it over the marks a couple times. To top it off, the marking had already been on there for v hrs considering I hadn't been able to observe what she had drawn on besides herself.

Short fused mother on August 03, 2022:

We used magic erasers and it did merely that, only like magic the black sharpie was gone.

Namie Williams on July 05, 2022:

The same story.......

My 3yr sometime brther scribled all sorts of markers highlighters permanent markers, lath markers etc merely i tried all things but nothing worked....

Any other remedies?......

Martin on May 20, 2022:


Just had my 3 yr old son do the same thing.

I plant using a cloth & PVCu Solvent Cleaner normally used to clean your PVC around your windows took off the marker in less and then 10 seconds with no trace of the fine art piece of work.

DO NOT scrub hard or it will take off the paint but just wipe softly and its all gone. :)

Bonnie on April 22, 2022:

To become permanent marker off finished woodwork, which alcohol & nail shine remover volition ruin, use *toothpaste* - it really works.

Astonishing on March 17, 2022:

Those kendall webcol alcohol prep swipes works wonders for marks on the wall! I had permanent marker on my wall just got an alcohol swipe and it came off like zero!

its elementary on February 24, 2022:

all you need to remove permanent mark from whatsoever hard surface is AXE OR TAG BODY SPRAY and a wet rag

Melissa on Feb 13, 2022:

Sharpie off a wall and saw someone had a problem with a TV, fyi, ANY type of screen can be rid of these little pieces of fine art with a simple play a joke on (computers too) paint over Sharpie with Dry out ERASE MARKERS and wipe abroad with dry out material, no more sharpir

Mukesh on February 09, 2022:

It was on the writing board that my married woman welcomed new year with permanent mark. After trying a range of removers on the lath I decided to check on the net and came beyond this article. I somewhat used a hybrid method... alcohol with ariel washing powder. That is, I wetted a piece of cloth in alcohol so dipped it in dry out washing powder, and with that rubbed clean the surface of the white board. The letterings went away like magic. Thank you all...

Ticked off on January xxx, 2022:

But no more later reading this. Alcohol worked great. Thanks so much!

Carla :P on January 21, 2022:

Ok soo my two yr old did this this morning time. I used pilus spray and an sos pad. Spray the hair spray on the marking let it set for about 30 seconds, scrub gently with sos pad and use a wet towel to finish wiping the wall, no damage and black permanent marker is gone!

Anu on December 06, 2022:

Alcohol tin also be used to remove permanent marker stains?? That is crawly! I used toothpaste instead and it worked! Anyway thanks for that tip.

Nikki Phillips on November 30, 2022:

The rubbing alcohol technique

works great for permanent marker it does remove the pigment though.

mel on November 27, 2022:

thank you the nail polish remover worked not bad on dark-green permanent marker

Lily on Nov 26, 2022:

Ever wondered how rubbing alcohol removes sharpie stains?

Pat on November 21, 2022:

Believe information technology or non sunscreen works. I tried it on my deck for Sharpie marks this past summer and on Sharpie on my wall worked again. I used Neutrogena Sunday Block Body Mist that I had from Costco.

MommyandAri on Nov 18, 2022:

My two-year-old just did this today, except it was a brown permanent marker. I've tried the Magic Erasers when my cousin did the same thing about a year ago; they don't work for permanent markers. I had to combine rubbing booze and 100% acetone to get the marker off, at least the gist of it, because it was so concentrated in ane area (about half a marking's worth). It was also on the refrigerator and the floors, only the tile cleaner got those correct off. I've but got the stain from the mark smudging on the wall now. Going to try the vinegar idea with a sponge to get information technology off, alongside the h2o. Thanks for the tips! I've been wondering how to get permanent marker off the walls since when my cousin did information technology a yr ago, and no 1 I know seems to know. Thank you so much! :)

daddy house work on Nov 11, 2022:

Alcohol?? next time i will try this..but now i used pilus works!

Robin Edmondson (author) from San Francisco on Nov 08, 2022:

That'south great news, Ruth! I'm glad the alcohol worked! It must exist incredible gratifying to write on the walls with mark equally all kids seem to go through the stage!

ruth on November 08, 2022:

My terrific 2 year former scribbled on the wall numerous times with a green marker (a lot) . i was in tears, goggled & found this site, "Alcohol" would never have guessed' run upstairs & grabbed the alcohol & i was able to clean all the writings' the green is all gone' the wall faded alittle' but i'm greatful' thanks.

Mary on October 27, 2022:

Thank you for the information on the alcohol my son had marked all the way downwardly the hall wall and that took it off....thanks a lot..

Denise Wilkins on October 19, 2022:

magic eraser doesn't work on permanent marker drawn onto walls, believe me...I know.

Shauna on October 12, 2022:

Believe it or non my one year erstwhile drew everywhere in his bedroom in a trailer I was renting. I just grabbed the three cleaners I had on hand windex, dawn, and pine-sol none of which worked. I dug nether the sink and came across a bottle of brasso and figured information technology never hurts to effort. Information technology took it off the door, walls, dresser and his plastic toddler bed with no trouble and no damage to the walls either

Robin Edmondson (author) from San Francisco on October 12, 2022:

Those sharpies are the worst! Nosotros have had many sharpie "accidents"! I'one thousand glad the tips worked!

Victoria on October 12, 2022:

My kids colored 1 room with sharpie and ane with crayola crayons the magic erasers piece of work for crayons but non sharpie give thanks you for the tip

Toni on September 28, 2022:

My ii ane/2 year old decorated her desk, gave her doll a mustache, wrote in her linguistic communication on the wall and window. The alcohol and hand sanitizer removed it all except the plastic on the desk. I'grand impressed. It worked on the crayon scribble in our vestibule and even took the marker out of the cream color rug. It can even so exist seen faintly on the rug, but I'm a whole lot happier.

robin hines on September 25, 2022:

Cheers so very much ,you saved the wall

Tonia on September 23, 2022:

My two year old just colored my whole bathroom with a perm black sharpie. I justed 91% Alcohol AND IT IS GONE. It IS THE All-time!!!! :)

Kari on September 17, 2022:

Howdy I found your page while googling for this very topic.

The best thing I institute is baking soda and water. Brand a past and scrub the surface area. I tried several other methods and baking soda and water paste is the only thing that left the walls and doors looking similar new again.

Erin on August 15, 2022:

Blast polish remover works wonders.

S.v.L. on August 05, 2022:

I was told past my blood brother vinegar is equally good as rubbing alcohol.

An hour later, the sharpie words are yet in that location.

Robin Edmondson (author) from San Francisco on July 22, 2022:

Howdy Apr,

I'm and then sorry, our three year old writes on the walls too. The moving picture is of our now v year old when she was three. Her little sis has taken over her job as wall creative person. ;) Sharpie is a tough i. Have you tried a Magic Eraser by Mr. Make clean? It doesn't always work with permanent marking only it'due south worth a try. It's of import to get it as soon as it happens so information technology doesn't set in. Sorry! I know it's frustrating!

April on July 22, 2022:

My kids used a black permanent sharpie and I tried everything including the alcohol and nada volition work, looks like I'thousand goin' to accept to repaint, I have five kids and the two lilliputian ones decorated the older kids room, the bathroom includin' the toilet seat, and the livin' room....of form this was non all done in i twenty-four hour period, but markers are non allowed in the business firm anymore....

linny on July 03, 2022:

i just used this method and information technology worked 99.9%

thank yous so much i was about to faint when i saw the living room wall painted with red permanent marker.

Sean on May 29, 2022:

Magic Eraser worked groovy. Just continue a paper towel underneath. The drip down the wall leaves a mark...

Lisa on May 20, 2022:

OMG!!! My 2 yr old but colored her bedroom wall in a permanent marker....Green to be exact. Sadly i was out of everything the day it was done and so information technology has sat in. I am definitely going to attempt the booze and baking soda. Give thanks u all so much for the advisory tips. My hubby and I thought we were going to have to pay for painters.

jess on February 14, 2022:

I accept also found that if you lot utilize baking soda on a clorox wipe it will remove it without any remnants.

Carrie on Feb 11, 2022:

Thanks THANK You Thank you!!!! Just used this tip to remove blue ink from my kitchen wall! works great!!

steve on January 27, 2022:

Thank you Internet

Shygirl on January 03, 2022:

Yahoo.... Merely sadly I tin not arraign it on the kids. LOL The Nate show did some coloring on the wall and information technology looked cool so I decided to and approximate what haha?? It looked horrible and I couldn't get it off. My two twelvemonth old walked in and said Mamia you are in problem your supposed to color paper. LOL Mr make clean bleaches it smash smooth remover removes the paint and makes it sticky.. Alcohol works wonders, and my Girl said yay mamia wont be in trouble n east more than.

Bradford on December 22, 2010:

Hey guys! Dont know if yous figured this trouble out already, but I idea I'd let you in on this crawly stuff my friend told me well-nigh.. She has 2 ADHD boys and is constantly cleaning up after them.... marker on walls, paint on the floor, ink on the carpeting, etc. Anyway, she said her husband worked for a visitor called "Joe Janitor Supply" and that I had to try out the graffiti remover. Information technology is awesome!! It would be perfect for this problem. I plant it online.... get here to run across it: http://www.joejanitorsupply.cyberspace/graffiti Click one of the buttons on the bottom of the page and in that location is a video of them using it I recollect..

Hope this helps!

Jonathan on December 11, 2010:

Surface: Smooth painted closet door (veneer).

Merely used nail polish remover and a toothbrush. No remnants at all and no apparent damage to door.

jaetee on November 22, 2010:

The rubbing alcohol and annoying sponge(kitchen dish sponge) worked great except it either removed a fleck of the paint or changed it's color to a lighter color. So just beware. Mine was on a night red (book folder cherry-red) wall to be exact. Examination in an inconspicuous area first. But hey the marker is gone. :D

young_dazza on September 29, 2010:

Thank you for all the tips!

Nosotros constitute that Acetone (blast polish remover) was pretty good on the wall simply it slightly removed some of the paint. However acetone didn't work on the door which is painted with an oil-based sleeky paint.

Vinegar didn't piece of work at all, neither did WD-forty.

Infant wipes helped on the walls and helped a bit on the door.

Erasers also helped.

Its not perfect but I have run out of free energy for now. I might endeavour some more than suggestions again later.

April on June 25, 2010:

They now accept dry-erase paint and chalkboard paint for your walls for budding artists :)

Linz on June 23, 2010:

Ok, my daughter decided to depict on the rug, wall cabnet, subwoofer, tv plasma stand, tv unit and lounge door with black permanent marker. I got the marking off the cabnet using acetone. It wiped information technology directly off the glass and the timber no trouble. did not harm the timber. The carpet and the boob tube and sub was a different story. I used hand sanitizer (the booze i) with a toothbrush on the carpet and with a soft textile on the tv stand and sub and came off a care for without damaging the 2-pac finish. The lounge door was not varnished so i think i'g gonna take to sand that out. Anyway try acetone (somewhere unimposing showtime) and hand sanatizer... they work wonders.

Tom T from Orange Canton, CA on May xvi, 2010:

HA! One of those things you'd only demand to know if you had kids! I retrieve when I was a child, my mom permit my brothers and I go pig wild mark upward a wall in our bathroom with markers because she was going to wallpaper anyway. Well long story short, after a few hot steamy showers the maker bleed through the wallpaper. OOPS! Thank you for the hub.

Narelle on April 27, 2010:

My toddler coloured our wall in black nikko pen. I tried everything and couldn't become it off. I just tried the rubbing booze tip and it came right off. I don't have to repaint yeah.

Hannah on April 17, 2010:

Tried baking soda and warm comeback,

tried improvement,

finally tried blast varnish remover and...all of the black permanent marker pen that my 2 yr old had used to "decorate" our lounge walls has at present been removed! Hooray!

mindy on Apr xiv, 2010:

get-go i tried magic eraser. didn't work. so i tried booze and the pigment started coming off the wall. tried comet and didn't work. estimate i will try to find what colour i used and repaint. UGH!!!

newman on April 01, 2010:

utilise Mr. Clean magic eraser with alcohol!! works great!!

Pigment Removal Oxfordshire on February xx, 2010:

Thanks for this information, recently had a telephone call about this and wasn't really sure what to do.

linda a on Feb 10, 2010:

This is a good tip, but if you desire to remove permanent marking of any blazon or colour from your wall, in that location is actually an fifty-fifty more than efficent and effective way! Blistering soda and warm h2o are my miracle worker!!! Make a paste and apply it with a lot will find you have much less rubbing to practice this way, merely a few circular motions and the marks vanish. Later the marks have gone and you lot are left with a tinted residue, just have a wet sponge and swipe over it to remove the rest of the paste. This will remove ALL of the marking and color, then even white walls will wait as white as before your fiddling artist came along!! (This likewise works amazingly well with crayon marks besides)

momof5monsters on January 28, 2010:

My teenagers took sharpie and wrote messages and poems all over their walls what is best to paint over that with now that they are tired of looking at the mess

Vizey on September 09, 2009:

Prissy communication for removing stains from walls. I would certainly follow your advice.

temp on Baronial 02, 2009:

If you have some Jif, information technology works wonders! I had a black Sharpie mark on a wall, and within seconds of light scrubbing with the Jif it is all gone and I tin can't even come across where it once was.

Nosotros have Jif in Commonwealth of australia, but if you don't have information technology, it is simply a mild annoying cream cleaner.

Joanna & Patience on July 12, 2009:

Hey our iii and 1/2 year old Autistic son woke upward this morning time thinking ok .. mommy's i made you lot a little something in the kitchen... OMG i about died our new woods cabnets and the draws and the newly laid linoleum and our newly installed stove......omg if i haddnt defenseless my Breath i'd have Fainted... i mean he didn't merely describe -draw he scribbled fabricated circles and dot,dot,dot fabricated lines up and down so drew lines back to the circles ... i took was very upset, but sense we tried the alcohol it fadded ,but jus a little ...but the cabnets are great .. and the stove and linoleum is still back... i HATE SHARPIES there going in the and then with a time -out and no Morning Sponge bob cartoons he learned that house painting is a Huge NO-NO i call back he got this idea cause Patience one day put up a white paper and permit him draw on information technology while on the wall... so maybe he thinks its ok...Thank you guys ..

ThePartyAnimal on July 12, 2009:

Swell Tip - I use the magic erasers - I really swear they are magic - I utilize them for so many things.

Amitty on June 18, 2009:

My daughter colored on the wall with a BIC Mark IT this morning. I tried your idea of the rubbing booze idea and it worked. Information technology took of some of the paint and made it a piffling sticky for a few minutes simply it took the marker correct off. Thank y'all for your aid.

Mrs. Harridan on June 06, 2009:

I saw the comment nearly the Melaleuca stain remover and how it contains tea tree oil. My child merely Sharpied our newly-laid linoleum floor, and tea tree oil did the flim-flam (rubbing alcohol faded it a little, but not much).

LucRy on May nineteen, 2009:

Thanks for the tips. It may come up in handy one day. I have 2 immature boys!

aaron on May 09, 2009:

my 3 yr old colored on her bedroom walls with a purple marker that was not washable and im renting my firm... had no inkling what to practice. googled and got this page i used the booze method and some paint came off but not enough to notice. thank yous so much i but saved a fortune!

Tim and Sue on April 30, 2009:

Our triplet girls, 5 years in May 2009, would sometimes write on inappropriate surfaces when 2 and 3 years quondam, and yet occasionally on themselves. The Mr. Make clean Magic Eraser worked well on the kitchen cabinets (white linoleum), and ordinarily on the walls. I've found that infant wipes work well on skin and besides on walls. Once they understood what we told them about how wall art would disappear, but fine art on paper wouldn't, with the 2 to 3 infinitesimal timeout chair at present and so, they pretty much stopped the wall and chiffonier art.

Marilyn Guy on Apr 19, 2009:

I have to say that, I was desparate to remove blackness permanent magic marker from a wall in my hallway later my ex-husband visited with me and my new husband 1 night and decided to practice his artwork on our walls.

I used the alcohol method and it was doing pretty well except I decided to apply it to self adhesive sanitary napkins since they absorb more than and unlike the sponge method they do non let you lot to lose the alcohol. I just removed the strip on the dorsum of the napkin and folded it and so that both adhesive parts touched. I then applied the alcohol and began to scrub till the stain was completely removed. Some of the paint came off only, not so much that you would actually notice. If, it doesn't come up off completely at outset keep at information technology. I assure you it will come off with some work.

Susan on March 04, 2009:

I experience and so lucky to have found this! Information technology worked cracking on my 4 year old's "artwork." Thank you!!!

Brandi on March 03, 2009:

Booze cleans from peel simply make certain there arent any owies that might come into contact..information technology will burn

Brandi on March 03, 2009:

Latex paint cleans lots better than regular.

Ashly on Feb 23, 2009:

OMG I idea I was going to have to live with bright red Sharpie on my walls forever!! Thanks then much!! I have so much ink on my walls I ran out of alcohol...thank goodness it's so cheap! I have a 4 and a 5 yr sometime....I'g stocking up!! lol.

Peppermint Thrift on February 22, 2009:

Give thanks you for the tip! Does rubbing alcohol piece of work if a child writes on themselves with permanent marker as well? I once had a student come upwards to me afterward class with marker all over his arms and asked, "What is a Sharpie?" I answered, "Well, a Sharpie is a permanent mark, my friend, and your mother is going to impale yous." Hopefully, I can pass this info on if it works on skin as well, it might help my inferior high kids stay out of getting grounded...

Dee on Feb 21, 2009:

I tried your thought of the rubbing alcohol lo and behold it worked great!! No left over marks although this was a sharpie black permanent marking. Thanks for the help!!

Jamie on Feb 16, 2009:

This worked great!

Perfect for ii batchlors who become drunk and depict on the hallways of the appartment, and even themselves....y'all probably saved us from beingness kicked out! whew!

earnestshub from Melbourne Commonwealth of australia on January 23, 2009:

Thanks for the tips. My darling twin granddaughters have just finished "decorating" the burrow with the able aid of SuperSpiderMan who is four.

Information technology looks like a skilful job. No less than 3 types of enduring ink pens were used.

I may accept to try all the tips!

Lgali on January 21, 2009:

Nice hubs-Thank you for sharing this tip

Clara Ghomes on January 20, 2009:

Nice! Thanks for sharing this tip :-)

Brooklyn on Jan 05, 2009:

Okay so the rubbing alcohol works on the painted walls..lil bit of paint came off couldn't become it off bookshelve or plastic..gosh i'm so angry nigh it period..but looks ninety% amend.

carla on Jan 04, 2009:

hello at that place my nanny use to always requite me home remidie ideas for things that my kids my endeavour in life and this just so happens to be one of them lol... PEANUT BUTTER is how to become this off any kind of pigment it takes alittle rubbing but it comes of no problem simply a little dab on a material and rub the spot and wahla is gone.. hope this helps as it helped me a lot lol

Busysonbusymom on December 19, 2008:

This tip worked cracking! My iv year old decided to write the letter T on the wall and a rainbow using a Sharpie almost four months ago. Nothing worked. He recently expanded on his artwork and I found this tip. This method removed the new and the Old!!! Thank you for sharing!!!

melinda on November xiv, 2008:

Thanks THANK Y'all Thank YOU!!! it worked neat my ii twelvemonth old had fun with a blackness perment maker on my walls and dresser,i tryed every thing and nil worked till i tried this. i even tried peanut butter i was told virtually that just makes a mess LOL!!! thanks agin.

How To Remove Permanent Marker From Walls And Floors,


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